Going along the lines of the post entitled "The Real Purpose", the following case study about the band Insane Clown Posse demonstrates the point that MTV is setting the standard of what is marketed to children. They don't care about message, content, or quality. They are focused on pushing products, musical groups, and cultural phenomenon down our throats hoping that we will cave under their pressure and purchase something.
Insane Clown Posse started out as an unknown local band out of Detroit. They were known for starting the genre of music called rap metal or rage rock. Their lyrics are known to criticize women and gays. Their fans were people who didn't care about fitting in with the mainstream. They were the rebels rebelling against the mega music labels and the big record companies and of all things, MTV.
Then one day, Insane Clown Posse got discovered. They signed a deal with a major record company, and all of a sudden they were just like everything else that was created out of MTV. Almost instantly they fell victim to the MTV machine. They learned that if you want to be successful, you have to either be a part of the movement, or fail. What do you think they chose?
Over the top looks. Over the top fans. Over the top lyrics.
Is this where society is going? MTV and Viacom are teaching young kids to accept this as normal.