November 3, 2008

Following The Money Case Study: Limp Bizkit

Limp Bizkit was completely the doings of MTV and Viacom. No one else can take credit for their success, which also means they get all the blame for Limp Bizkit's negative effect on America's youth. 

America first got to know Limp Bizkit at Woodstock 1999, which was covered by MTV.  They debuted their popular song "Break Stuff". Not only was this the main theme of the song, but it also caused the fans to take action themselves. 

Following their Woodstock appearance, they were discovered by Jimmy Iovine, Co-Chairman of Interscope Records. He claims his job is to just find what America's kids are craving and packages it to them. But instead, he is always searching for the rawest of raw materials to feed to children. I would say this is corrupting America. He claims its just a popular movement and he just wants to be a part of it. I say stand up for what's right and good for the world.

Then, when an Oregon radio station refused to play their raunchy lyrics, Interscope Records PAID the station to play the song 50 times! 

Limp Bizkit then produced a music video, all funded by Interscope Records of course. This video then premiered on MTV's Total Requests Live (TRL). 

Did I mention, Interscope Records is owned by Viacom, which is MTV's parent company as well. So when Interscope gets Bizkit's video on TRL to drive up sales, everyone benefits. MTV gets more viewers to watch the music video, and Interscope sells more records because viewers saw the band on TRL. Its all one big profit loop for Interscope, MTV, and ultimately Viacom. 

This also exposes MTV's fraud with TRL. That show was supposed to be based on what the viewers/listeners were requesting. This was obviously not the case because MTV is more focused on showing videos from artists under Viacom labels, than genuinely show what viewers want. Total fraud! (Side note: On Oct. 31, 2008 MTV announced their decision to cancel TRL)

MTV and Viacom are totally, one hundred percent behind this group, broadcasting their messages to America's youth. What are those messages? See for yourself... 

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