Sex ... With Mom and Dad. This is of one of MTV's newest shows. When this title appeared on my TV guide I just about fainted. Sex? With Mom and Dad? The minute I saw this I felt a deep disappointment. This is where our country is going? I couldn't believe it.
On MTV's website they describe it as a somewhat therapeutic show. A show where families can break down the walls that surround the topic of sex. A show that "proves that if families can talk about sex, they can talk about anything - ultimately breaking down barriers and improving relationships in the process".
The one... Correction.... The only episode I watched was not as nice and wholesome as the description implies.
The episode involved a 19-year-old guy who's mother felt his sex life was a bit excessive. The two of them visited the show's doctor, Dr. Drew, who gave them an exercise.
The two of them were to go on a tour of all the places that her son had had sex. Her son proceeded to take his mother to all his favorite sex spots. Rooftops, the family's kitchen table, even the back seat of his mother's car! And at each location, the description of his activities was somewhat graphic.
My question is how could the executives at MTV put a show like this on the air, when their target audience has shown to be 12-year-olds. 12-YEAR-OLDS!!!
Because of shows like this, I blame MTV and the executives at Viacom for overly sexualizing our youth culture. They should be ashamed of themselves.
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